Shivambu Bhavan is only of its Kind


Shri Morarjibhai Desai
Former Prime Minister, Government of India

 Shivambu Chikitsa is an ancient science, which was known and is practiced in east as well as in west since time immemorial. I have tried this remedy on myself and on my advice many others also have tried on themselves. I have seen cases of diabetes, cancer and chronic skin aliments have cured by it. For diseases of eye, ear, teeth and skin, it is most effective remedy.  Today I visited this Centre, Shashibhai is doing many experiments with promising results. I have eagerly come to see, and encourage such center where patients are admitted and treated with Shivambu.  I feel, perhaps this must be only Centre of its kind, where Shivambu, Yoga and Nature-cure is used.  More and more case-studies must be gathered and scientific research must be done to validate it.

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Dr. Nitin Patil : 9423044218
Dr. Sarang Patil : 9423041265

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