Research Projects
World over there is a shift in health care profession towards considering
the mental, emotional, social and spiritual components of one’s
personality into mainstream medical practice which is focusing grossly on
physical health. This is evident by a report which showed that 60 percent
of Americans used ‘alternative and complementary medicine’ amounting to
national expenditure to the tune of $13 billion. Interesting fact added to
this was that patients did not disclose their interest to use the
alternate therapies to their physicians. Following similar developments in
other places lead to establishment of systematic professional education in
alternative and complementary medicine, registration facilities to
practitioners to legalize their practice, research centers at medical
schools attached to Universities and centers at National institutes to
standardize education, clinical practice and research in the area. Like
any other nation India witnessed similar growth in this area and has
considerable facilities and potential in the area of traditional systems
of medicine.
In view of the public acceptance, there is need for rationalized investigations and scientific research on these therapies. Hence it is imperative that every institution imparting education and treatment based on traditional healing systems, must engage in generating empirical data to establish scientific basis, effectiveness and adverse effects of these modalities.
Research Highlights
During the past 45 years, have conducted a series of scientific
studies demonstrating that integrative changes in food, lifestyle
and mental attitude can:
- Reverse the psycho-somatic diseases like coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, bowel syndromes…
- Regression of auto-immune disorders
- Slow, stop, or reverse the progression of cancers of various stages
These research findings are published in leading journals.
- A chronological computerized record and detailed data of all case histories, all investigations, testimonial opinions, success stories, and pre and post photographs of more than twenty thousand patients who were admitted in this hospital are maintained in the center.
- The specific treatment modules have been designed and prepared for management of various chronic diseases after years of practical experience, meticulous observation and research. The center has developed newer and modified treatment methods, treatment combinations and approaches, effective to produces successful results in short duration.
- The center has represented and actively participated in many national and international health conferences. Many research reports and paper have been published in various research journals and magazines.
During the past 45 years, have conducted a series of scientific
studies demonstrating that integrative changes in food, lifestyle
and mental attitude can:
Research Projects
KHOJ will be a Center for research in natural health sciences at Anand-Kunj, where different laboratories and instrumental facilities will be established for research. The center shall emphasize the research in following main areas…
(i) Basic research: aimed at scientifically mapping anatomical, physiological, biochemical and immunological effects of the therapies used in naturopathy and yoga,
(ii) Clinical research: aimed at evaluating the
- effects of individual therapies used, and
- integrated therapy module being used for major psychosomatic ailments,
(iii) Medical rehabilitation research: aimed at scientifically exploring the use of natural therapies and other mind- modifying techniques for the rehabilitation programs,
(iv) Literary research: aimed at compiling and systematically documenting all the traditional and natural treatment methods mentioned in various scriptures and practiced by people.
Research Publications
Sarang SP, Telles S. Changes in p300 following two yoga-based relaxation techniques. International Journal of Neuroscience. 2006.
Sarang PS, Telles S. Oxygen consumption and respiration during and after two yoga relaxation techniques. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 2006.
Sarang PS, Telles S. Effect of two yoga based relaxation techniques on heart rate variability. International Journal of Stress Management, 2005.
Sarang PS, Telles S. Immediate effect of Yoga based relaxation techniques on performance in a letter cancellation task. Perceptual and Motor Skill, 2005.
Sarang PS, Telles S. Cyclic meditation – a ‘moving meditation’ – Reduces energy expenditure more than supine rest. Journal of Indian Psychology, 2004.
Integrated Approach of Auto-Urine-Therapy: a long term prospective study – a research report on Auto urine Therapy, Naturopathy and Yoga; Samyak Publications, 1996, India.
Published many review articles in leading news papers, magazines of Yoga and Naturopathy.
Research Training
Research is a careful inquiry or examination to discover new information or relationship and to expand and to verify existing knowledge. Research therefore must be carried out employing internationally acceptable, time honored principles and methodologies. A short term training course in Research Methodology is offered for the students who want pursue career in research and hone the skills of scientific investigation.
In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. Research is creating new knowledge. At this center the students, physicians, experts and researchers gather to expand the frontiers of holistic medicine and the understanding of healing.