Recovered from Gout and Heart Disease
I am Mr. Uttamchand Randive, aged 60 years, a jeweler from Hupri of Kolhapur district, have suffered from chronic gouty arthritis and double vessel coronary artery disease. I tried all modern medical and ayurvedic treatments. I was asked by a renowned cardiologist to get admitted immediately for bypass (CABG) surgery, but I preferred to go for naturopathic treatment instead.
In the month of November 2000, I joined the Shivambu Center in Kolhapur. During the 10 days treatment I fasted on urine and plain water for five days, was given mudpacks and acupressure. Within a short span a great and miraculous recovery from various ailments has occurred. Now my heart is functioning properly promoting a good blood circulation.
I consider myself lucky for not wasting two lakhs rupees in a fully staffed modern cardiac center. There are no signs and symptoms of gout as well in my body. People wonder as they see me stroll 10 Km daily in the silver city of Hupri.
Mr. Uttamchand Randive
Hupri, Kolhapur, India