Anandkunj Campus

  • Anandkunj

    Eastern View - Clouds Floating in..!

  • Anandkunj

    Nature's call, Return to Nature

  • Anandkunj

    Pyramidal Yoga Hall

  • Anandkunj

    Your Own Perfect Medicine.

  • Anandkunj 

    A Distant View - an arbor of Health and Happiness.

  • Anandkunj

    First Choice or Last Resort

  • Anandkunj

    Happiness is Within, Please come and Find..!

  • Anandkunj

    Yoga is to unite with one's own True SELF !

  • Anandkunj

    Body is made by Nature, so Repair it Naturally..!

  • Anandkunj

    Your Food is Your Medicine.

  • Anandkunj

    Pranayama means working at dimension of Prana.

  • Anandkunj

    Life is between inhalation and exhalation.

  • Anandkunj

    Our Body is made of Five Great Elements.

  • Anandkunj

    Every on Bestowed with Same Natural Healing Power.

  • Anandkunj

    Fasting is Physiological Rest.

  • Anandkunj

    Living in Nature itself is a profound Remedy.

  • Anandkunj

    Yoga is to go Within..! 

  • Anandkunj

    Sun is same and equal to everyone.

  • Anandkunj

    Anandkunj means abode of Happiness..!

  • Anandkunj

    Always Treatment must done on Cause not on Symptom.

  • Anandkunj

    Medicine means : Art of Healing.

  • Anandkunj

    Healing means becoming complete or total..!

  • Anandkunj

    Healing means maintaining inner Balance..!

    Quick Contact

    Dr. Nitin Patil : 9423044218
    Dr. Sarang Patil : 9423041265

    Contact Form

