Best Management of Diabetes & Obesity
I have polio since childhood and as a result I have to use crutches for walking and am severely limited in my abilities to walk. In addition, I work in the Hi-Tec industry and spend most of my time sitting. I developed some obesity and diabetes. My sugar levels were (between 150-270 mg/dl) while being on Insulin injections. My over weight was about 20 kg. I was caught in a life-style, which made me more and more fat, thus injecting increasing doses of Insulin. It turned to be a vicious circle.
Therefore, I decided to take another route, and try it. I came to the Shivambu Center where I spent 16 days of treatment, which ended today. The treatments included Shivambu fasting (which was taken with balance, because of my diabetes), Shivambu massage, naturopathic treatments and a well balanced vegetarian diet; and as the diamond in the crown- intensive yoga sessions.
I feel that I had a few achievements here: (i) 10 kg loss in weight + guidance for diet and life style for the future, to enable a comparable loss of weight in the next few months; (ii) I have not been injecting Insulin during my stay here and my blood glucose levels were around 115 mg/dl; (iii) Most important – I think I have lost my attachment and addition to both the large amounts of food I use to consume in the past, and to the kinds of food I ate (meat, sausages, fat cheeses etc); (iv) Last, but not the least – Yoga. I heard about Yoga in the past but never practiced it. I am sure that the practice here at the Shivambu Bhavan will accompany me for years ahead: I both enjoyed it and felt that in some magic way it grants me inner silence, more balance (physical as well as emotional), detachments from desires (i.e. the desire to eat) and an increase of my abilities to concentrate. Well, I think that for 16 days this is quite a lot.
All the staff members are endowed with an outstanding combination of full devotion- day and night authenticity, modesty, patience and grace. They all believe in what they are doing and are confident about their way.
Yakov (Jacob) Lichter
Yuvallim-14, Misgav-20142, Israel.